It’s natural for silver objects to oxidize over time, but with this secret from my hometown jeweler, you can quickly restore their luster. This trick has been used by him for decades, and nobody brags about it!
🛒 You only need:
▪ aluminum foil
▪ water
▪ baking soda
▪ a large pan
🧽 Directions:
Put aluminium foil over the bottom and the walls of the pan, and fill it with water. When the water in the pan starts boiling, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Next, add the silver objects and leave them for a few minutes until you notice that they have regained their shine. Remove them from the pan.
If you’re dealing with semi-precious stone jewelry items, wrap them in aluminium foil and add some coarse salt inside the wraps. Put them in boiling water for 10 minutes, then remove and rinse them thoroughly with water. If you want to delay oxidation, cover them with a layer of colorless nail polish.