Gold jewelry can be very sensitive to solvents and detergents and difficult to clean, depending on the type of the gold jewel.

But you should know that there are some secrets from a famous jeweler to clean and make your gold jewelry shine again.

Analyze the “dirt” on the jewel
The first step to clean your jewelry is to see how deep the dust has penetrated the chain mail and those tiny spaces and cracks.
If your gold jewels are a bit affected by dirt, you can clean them easily using lukewarm water and dish detergent.
Leave your jewels soaked in a cup of hot water in which you poured 2-3 drops of dish soap.
If they have been dirty for a long time, you should know that sparkling water will remove any dust particle and dirt from your jewels. Whether they are very dirty or just a little dusty, the jewelry must be soaked for about 15 minutes in sparkling water before washing them with dish soap.

Use a soft toothbrush
To clean the dirt deposited between the jewelry holes, use a soft toothbrush. Rub gently the jewelry, clockwise, and be careful not remove any stone out of your gold ring.

Ammonia brightness
After you clean gold jewelry with water and soap, you can make them glow again with the help of ammonia. Be careful not to use ammonia every time you clean your jewels, because gold will become dark over time due to ammonia. Mix a six-part ammonia water and sink the jewels for 1 minute in solution, and then rinse and dry each piece thoroughly.
Take great care of precious stones and small other gold pieces
Some complex gold jewelry has chain mail or stones attached on them. These are stick with special glue, be careful not to soak these jewelry in ammonia solution because the adhesive used may not resist, and the precious stones may fall. Just use a cloth soaked in this solution and wipe the gold jewel, gently!

Boil dirty jewelry made from solid gold
If your jewelry is made of solid gold, and don’t have any application on it, such as precious stones, you can boil them to remove any dirt, grease or wax trace, accumulated on it over the years.