Bathroom ceramic fixtures are the best! You can clean them easily using just soapy water, but somehow, my ceramic bathroom sink has some marks on it that look like scratches. To be more specific, they look like pot marks, but aren’t pot marks.

Since I can’t use abrasive cleaners on the ceramic sink, because I will scratch it even more and remove its porcelain glaze, I asked my mother-in-law for some useful cleaning advices. My mother-in-law knows every trick when it comes to cleaning.

So, she recommended Barkeeper’s Friend. It’s my new magic cleaning powder! I have to admit that I had a hard time finding it, because it was out of stock everywhere I looked, but eventually I found it and use it. I am thrilled about it, although you have to wear rubber gloves because it smells kind of funny and I don’t think is safe using it.

But if you want to avoid chemicals as much as you can, then you should choose the following green clean method! Is as effective as Barkeepers Friend, only that is all chemical-free.

It seems that Baking Soda will do the work!

You Need:

  • baking soda
  • soft cloth or Magic Eraser


1. Simply sprinkle baking soda over the length of the scratch, or cover the entire nick with a hefty dose of baking soda.
2. From there, buff the scratches and nicks with a soft, damp cloth or use the Magic Eraser.
3. When doing so, be sure to rub the baking soda the entire length of the scratch in a back and forth motion; for nicks, use a circular motion.
4. After a few minutes of rubbing, rinse the baking soda from your sink with warm tap water.

Tip: if baking soda is not as effective as you expect, you can try using toothpaste and Magic Eraser. Some people say it works wonders. Or consider in using Barkeepers Friends, because it worked for me!