Dust is a mixture of earth and pollen particles and other substances found in the environment. These elements get into our homes through the doors, windows and shoe soles.

Among other things, dust can cause various health problems because it easily penetrates the lungs through the airways. As a consequence, we can experience irritation and allergic reactions.

The next natural dusting spray should be prepared using certain organic ingredients. It has the ability to remove dust and dirt without altering the natural color of the furniture, making it glossier.

We advise you to prepare a small amount every time you want to clean and dust your furniture. If the solution lasts too long without being used, its effectiveness decreases.

– 2 teaspoons (15 g) of olive oil
– ½ teaspoon (3 g) essential lemon oil
– ¼ cup (62 ml) of white vinegar
– 1 ¾ cups (312 ml) of water
– 1 spray bottle
– 1 microfiber cloth

Method of preparation:
– Mix the olive oil along with lemon oil in a small bowl.
– Mix well with a wooden spoon and add white vinegar and water.
– Pour the mix into a spray bottle to use it.

How to use?
Spray an adequate amount of solution over the furniture. Wait a few minutes, and then wipe with a microfiber cloth to remove dust.
You can apply this blend over wooden, leather or glass surfaces.

Image Credits: Yourbeautyblog