It doesn’t really matter which type of wax is, because wax is wax, and when it gets on your clothes, you’re doomed! At least this is what my mom used to tell me, because she didn’t know how easily can be removed with the next trick!

Well, in case you’ve spilled wax on your favorite clothes or your kid’s clothes are entirely drawn with wax pencils, you shouldn’t panic or throw your clothes, because I have the trick up in my sleeve and gladly I’ll share it with you, my cyber friends!

I’ve thrown a surprise birthday party for my husband, 2 weeks ago, and when he blew up the candles, all that wax was sitting proudly on my new red dress, thinking that this is the first and last wear! But, my sister in law thought me how to remove those wax stains out of my new dress!

You need:

– 4 tablespoons of Dawn dish soap
– 1/2 cup of vinegar


– butter knife
– towel
– paper towels
– heated iron

How to proceed?

Ok, first of all you have to do nothing! Just sit and wait for the wax to get hardened on the garment! Then, take a butter knife and try to remove as much wax as possible from the clothing piece. Be careful not to spread it too much!

The next step is to heat a bit the wax stain! So, place a towel under the clothing item where the wax stain is, and then put 2 paper towels over the wax stain. It’s time to set the iron to medium temperature and iron over the stained area. All the wax will melt again and get impregnated into the paper towels.

Remember: you have change the paper towel if it gets saturated by wax.

Ok, when most wax is gone and impregnated on the paper towel, you can apply the next step.
Put the clothing item in the washing machine, add laundry detergent and softener, and put the vinegar and Dawn dish soap into the washing machine (I’ve pour them directly onto the wax stain), and start a hot water washing cycle.
That’s all! My red dress is ready to be worn again!